
Sort Voucher

During the data input process, the user may be unable to arrange vouchers orderly. This section helps the user to sort Voucher neatly. Select each module and select Month that need to be sorted. (Note: Open input voucher hold case before arrange)

Check voucher

Check vouchers that were recorded incorrectly, leading to an imbalance between debit amount and credit amount.

Check voucher appears twice

This function helps the user to detect for Voucher having the same number and same entry yet show up twice on the ledger.

Check Customer receivable balance

Check Supplier payable balance

Cost Center , Jobs Center and Profit Center

This functions helps the user to follow expense and profit by project .

Config Profit and Cost by Team

This functions helps the user config to follow follow expense and profit by team and by month

Example : Project A have 03 team process with in 03 months

Team 01: Join in 03 months

Team 02 : join in 01 month

Team 03: join in 02 months.

This functions will be config how many percent workload of each team and each month.

Report Profit and Cost By Team

From funciton config (7) , system can calculate and export data.

Last updated